
How To Find Deleted Text Messages On Iphone

Do you send and receive audio iMessages on your iPhone (unusual than by accident)? Normally, audio recordings conveyed through iMessages last for two minutes, simply if you'd like to keep them, there are two ways to get along so.

How to Keep Audio Messages, Manually or Automatically

First gear, you can retain any given audio message manually by tapping the little "Keep" button next to them. If you do, your iPhone won't delete IT without your enjoin-so.

However, if you wear't want to tap the "Keep" clit every sentence, you have another pick: you can support totally messages aside default by dynamic a simple Messages setting.

First, open the Settings app and then tap "Messages".

From there, scroll to Audio Messages and beg "Expire".

You can now curing audio frequency message to never die.

Whenever you do continue audio messages, they'll inevitably become baffled behind whol the newer messages you receive. You don't want to have to gyre and scroll to find them. Thankfully, there's an easier way.

Tap the "i" in the upper berth-right corner of the message window.

Then tap "Attachments" and you will find all your unbroken audio frequency clips.

While flipping that setting will technically keep audio messages forever and a day, if you have every your messages hard to delete automatically after 30 days Beaver State a year, audio messages will also be erased as well. Remember that each audio messages you keep will suck up storage space.

The Best way to circumvent these problems is to delete the ones you don't want and to save the ones you do.

How to Save an Audio Message to Your Articulation Memos

While you can leave your audio messages in iMessage itself, IT's a picayune easier to save them to Voice Memos for later o—especially if you deliver messages set to delete after a certain amount of time.

To do this, long plough on the subject matter, and from the resulting context of use menu, tap "Save".

You won't receive any kind of confirmation it worked. Or else, the audio clip will appear in your Vocalization Memos playlist. Voice Memos can be found on your national screen in the Extras folder.

To delete any audio clips from the Vocalise Memos app, tap the "Edit out" clit in the upper left-manus corner and then tap the flushed minus push next to each prune you don't want. Then, tap "Erase".

When you're through with, tap the "Done" release in the upper-left corner.

How to Part Audio Clips from the Attachments Screen

Remember the attachments screen we showed you at the last of the first section? When you play a kept sound clip from that screen, you can also share it to other people or apps there. (This is particularly utile if an audio substance is buried in a thread, but you want to bring through it to Voice Memos).

To exercise this, first undisguised the attachments screen and pat one of your audio clips.

Next, solicit the Share button in the lower-left nook.

Then, share the charge wherever you want.

Patc this method gives you a deal more options than saving them to Voice Memos, it is also quite an few more steps.

How to Manually Delete an Individual Audio Message

Last, if you want to manually delete an audio content from the iMessage app, long-printing press on the message until the context bill of fare appears from the bottom. Then tap "More".

Now, just select the subject matter you want to cancel and tap the trash icon in the lower-left corner.

Finally, confirm you deficiency to delete the message.

How to Manually Delete Audio Clips

To delete an audio clip from the attachments screen, place and hold your finger one until the black context menu appears. Select "Delete" to blue-pencil a one-on-one attachment.

Tap "Thomas More" to select multiple attachments and tap the trash picture to delete them.

RELATED: How to Free Up Space Used By Your iPhone OR iPad's Messages App

This at least gives you more control over which audio frequency messages are actually kept and which are discarded, especially when used in conjunction with the ne'er delete setting.

How To Find Deleted Text Messages On Iphone


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