
Can Sb 1 Money Be Used For New Construction

SB ane: The Road Repair and Accountability Human activity of 2017

California counties are seeing a meaning influx of new revenue to invest in the local street and road organization from Senate Beak 1 (Beall and Frazier), a landmark transportation funding parcel that was signed past Governor Brown on April 28, 2017. This mensurate was in response to California's significant funding shortfall to maintain the state's multimodal transportation network which is the backbone of the economy and critical to the quality of life in the Golden Country.

SB 1 increased several taxes and fees to heighten over $5 billion annually in new transportation revenues. Moreover, SB ane provides for inflationary adjustments so that the purchasing power of the revenues does non diminish as information technology has in the past. SB 1 prioritizes funding towards maintenance and rehabilitation and safe improvements on country highways, local streets and roads, and bridges and to improve the land's trade corridors, transit, and active transportation facilities.

The revenues will be phased-in over several years as follows:

  • The fuel revenue enhancement increase began on November one, 2017,
  • The value-based transportation improvement fee began on Jan 1, 2018,
  • The toll-based excise tax will exist reset on July 1, 2019, and
  • The new zip emissions vehicle fee will begin on July one, 2020.

Once fully implemented, approximately $one.5 billion per yr in new revenue is earmarked for local streets and roads maintenance and rehabilitation and other eligible uses, including complete streets projects, traffic signals, and drainage improvements. California'southward counties will share almost $750 meg annually, and the same amount will be allocated to cities.

In addition to formula funding, county roads will exist eligible to compete for additional funding for active transportation and complete streets projects, congested corridor projects, appurtenances movement improvements, and additional state matching funds for cocky-help counties that pass sales taxes or impose comprehensive development fees to fund transportation. This funding package is a huge step forward for every Californian who relies on our transportation system.

Bill text and summary

  • SB 1 (Chapter No. five, Statutes of 2017)
  • SB ane Summary for Counties

Funding estimates & MAINTENANCE OF Endeavor

  • CSAC FY 2022-23 County HUTA and RMRA Funding Estimates (i/11/22) 
  • CSAC FY 2021-22 County HUTA and RMRA Funding Estimates (ane/xi/22)
  • CSAC Ten-Year SB 1 and RMRA Funding Estimates (v/sixteen/17)
  • Notes on Funding Estimates and Key Assumptions
  • CSAC DRAFT SB 1 Maintenance of Effort Calculations

CTC RMRA projection list adoption – UPdated for 2019

  • Project Listing Sample Resolution 
  • CTC Project Listing Adoption Schedule
  • CTC RMRA Eligibility Checklist
  • Project List Adoption Printing Release
  • Projection List Adoption Sample Social Media Posts


The California Transportation Commission (CTC) is charged with oversight of several SB 1-funded programs, including reporting on the utilise of local streets and roads funding. The CTC is currently developing guidance for the several programs for which counties are eligible for funding. Caltrans is administering transportation planning and climate adaptation grant programs funded by SB 1, for which counties are eligible. The California State Transportation Agency is administering SB 1's transit and rail programs. CSAC'southward comments on various program guidelines and links to relevant webpages with the latest information on each program are included beneath:

Local Streets and Roads (LSR) Funding
  • CSAC/League Comments on CTC's Draft LSR Reporting Guidelines
  • Terminal CTC SB 1 Local Streets and Roads Reporting Guidelines
Sustainable Communities and Climate Adaptation Grants Program
  • Caltrans Transportation Planning Grants Webpage
  • CSAC Comments – Sustainable Communities Planning
  • Last Caltrans Sustainable Communities Planning Grant Guidelines
  • CSAC Comments – Climate Accommodation Planning
  • Last Caltrans Accommodation Planning Grant Guidelines
CTC Competitive Funding Programs
  • Agile Transportation Plan
  • State-Local Partnership Program
  • Solutions for Congested Corridors Program
  • Trade Corridors Enhancement Plan
Rails and Transit Funding Programs
  • CalSTA Runway and Transit Funding Draft Guidelines & Workshops

SB 1 implementation updates

  • July 3, 2018 – Proposition 6 (SB i Repeal) is Headed to the November Ballot
  • May 23, 2018 – SB 1 Update: CTC Awards $ii.7 Billion in SB 1 Funds, Local Examples of Educational activity/Outreach, SB 1 LSR Funding Actuals and Estimates
  • February 27, 2018- Updated SCO Guidelines, CTC LSR Guidelines, FY 2018-19 LSR Projection Listing Schedule and more
  • November 1, 2017- Effective Date Talking Points, Local Tool Kit, updated Logos and Signage 
  • October 6, 2017- Projects Lists Due, SCO Releases SB 1 FAQ'due south, Polling Shows Support and more than
  • August 17, 2017 – Final Adopted Reporting Guidelines, Local Media Tool Kit
  • August 8, 2017 – Webinar, Final Draft Reporting Guidelines, Planning Grant Comments
  • July 7, 2017 – Reporting Guidelines and Controller FAQs
  • June ix, 2017 – Reporting Guidelines and Projection Lists
  • June 2, 2017 – Primal Provisions, Projection Lists in Budgets, Funding Estimates

Proffer 6

  • CSAC Assay of Prop half-dozen Impacts on Counties
  • CSAC Sample Talking Points
  • CSAC Analysis of Constitutional Protections for California 
  • Linguistic communication, California Constitution, Commodity XIX


Proposition 6 and Campaign Rules: What You Tin can Say, What You Can't Say
  • Webinar Recording 
  • Presentation Slides
SB one Projection Lists- Online Tool Guide
  • Webinar Recording
  • Presentation Slides
Implementing SB one: What Cities and Counties Need to Know – August 11, 2017
  • Webinar Recording
  • Presentation Slides
Transportation Funding Deal Explained - April 28, 2017
  • Webinar Recording
  • Presentation Slides


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