
How To Make Money Selling On Amazon And Ebay

You have to spend money to make money...but you need to have money to spend money. If y'all're starting out with only spare alter as your seed money, don't give in to hopelessness!

Today I'm going to show you exactly how to get-go selling products on eBay and Amazon without saying goodbye to a unmarried dime.

That's what I did. I started out $24,000 in debt. It was challenging, only today, I have multiple passive income machines that brand me coin while I sleep.

These are the verbal iii steps that brought me to where I am today.

First, I sold everything I didn't need.

A lot of what I accumulated over the years were 'wants', non 'needs'. I thought, "Do I really need this metal chair on my porch?" It was nice to accept, but did I need information technology? No. So I sold it.

I found stuff in my home I didn't need.

For instance, I had a suit for "just in case." Just how oftentimes would I actually demand a adjust? I didn't have the money to go to formal restaurants, snap my fingers, and become, "Excuse me, Garçon. I would like another plate of caviar." So, instead of something useful, the accommodate was like a hundred dollar bill simply sitting in the closet.

Then information technology clicked in my brain. My stuff wasn't merely stuff. They were assets. I had these assets all over the house that weren't doing anything for me. So, I made them work for me. I could plough that stuff into money that could help me brand more than money in the future.

If you don't have cash and need it, practise what I did. Instead of thinking of your assets as static things, make them piece of work for y'all.

Go into your living room, your bedroom, or your front porch. Choice a random object. Check to meet how much information technology's selling for on Amazon or eBay. If yous don't take whatever money and don't know how to get started, start selling things you have. You demand cash to generate cash.

I knew one guy who had over 100 DVDs sitting around his house. He only started to sell on Amazon. I said, "Do you realize how much coin y'all could turn those into if you sell them? Y'all tin use that coin to buy other things to create passive income." Then nosotros went on eBay and searched for 1 of the movies, A Walk to Think. Twelve units had sold the previous week for $5 each. That doesn't audio similar much, simply if you had over 100 DVDs, and you could make $v each minus a couple bucks for shipping, that'southward $300. They're non beingness watched. Why non plough that into cash?

I cleaned, dusted, and repaired everything I wanted to sell then they could control more value.

Nobody wants to buy a creaky bicycle with spider eggs under the seat. But with a dust rag and a little WD40, yous can sell a dream!

If y'all have items that aren't ready to become without buying something else (similar a lamp that needs a replacement cord), price them appropriately. Don't forget to make buyers aware of their flaws earlier they buy. Not only is it the correct thing to do, simply it builds trust and prepares y'all to over-evangelize for your online customers in the future.

Don't be scared to display items that might be stained or cracked. Local theatres and artists hunt for deals similar these specifically considering their work needs to be made on a budget. Perhaps your spaghetti sauced tie isn't going to run into another boardroom, simply it just might make a improvement in a loftier school play. 🍝

I advertised my stuff online.

The online marketspace is like—no kidding—hundreds of times larger than it was dorsum when I did this in 2014.

You had eBay, Amazon, and Craigslist. Just today, you also have Facebook Market place, Nextdoor, OfferUp, LetGo, and a ton more.

My Actual eBay Sales

Make sure your listings include daylight pictures, multiple angles, and size comparison shots. Photos are the number ane office of an online listing that sells the production. Too include model numbers, dimensions, and weights in your listings.

You lot take so much more than attain today than the former-school chiliad sale.

I hosted a 1000 sale with everything that didn't sell online.

If you hold a k auction, putting a sign on your yard the day of the auction isn't going to cut it.

Make certain y'all're putting clear, like shooting fish in a barrel-to-read signs at intersections, community hubs, and bulletin boards with your dates, times, and address front and center. Brand sure signs go up at least three days in advance, but no more than one week. That way people have time to prepare, simply not then much fourth dimension that your sign fades into the background of their everyday lives before the big day.

Make the yard auction equally nice an experience every bit possible. Set upward an extension string and then customers can test electronics, pull down a shower curtain and a total-length-mirror for clothes. If it'due south a hot day, put out a bullpen of lemonade.

Me & My Wife Hosting a G Sale

You don't need to invest in a card reader, but with the ascension of Venmo, PayPal, and Facebook pay, you don't have to be limited by customers who aren't carrying cash. Allow people know ahead of fourth dimension that they have different options. But make sure you take this fix up before your auction so everything goes smoothly.

I went door-to-door to sell what didn't sell at my thou sale.

Yep. I knocked, said, "Hey, you don't know me, but would y'all similar to purchase this?"

Information technology was uncomfortable, simply information technology needed to be done. The feel actually helped me become a better salesperson.

This is the kind of hustle you need to take if you're going to build a business on Amazon that makes you passive income.

My girl would come up with me fundraising for her school, and nosotros would do a double deal.

Second, I took the greenbacks earned from selling my stuff to sell products arbitrage.

Arbitrage is where you purchase products on the cheap and sell them somewhere else, like Amazon, at a higher toll.

If you lot notice a product is selling for $5 on but $20 on eBay, you can pocket the difference afterward paying eBay fees.

Buying Products for Arbitrage

Find a product you lot know is selling. Mail service it on eBay or Amazon.

Use that money to purchase more products arbitrage. Employ the coin y'all get from 1 product to sell 2. Utilize that coin to buy 4. And your cash keeps growing and growing. You reinvest and reinvest.

In one case you accept that cash, y'all can start making private characterization purchases. Then you no longer take to hustle, hustle, hustle to make money.

Third, I took that cash earned from selling arbitrage to sell my own branded products online that had higher perceived value than competitors.

Shoppers do not await for products to purchase. They want to buy a solution to a problem.

There are ii kinds of issues you can solve:

• Real problem—which is about the function of a production

• Perceived problems—which is about the look of a product

Allow'due south take a baseball lid, for instance. It solves the problem of the sun torching my skin. It keeps me absurd and shades my sensitive eyes to sunlight. Information technology solves a real, fabric problem.

But at that place'southward also an aesthetic reason to buy this hat. Information technology looks cool. Information technology solves a perceived problem. The design doesn't make it whatsoever more functional.

Baseball hats are pretty much all the same when it comes to solving a real problem. This i does the same job of keeping me cool as any other baseball lid. So, why did I purchase this 1 instead of a completely different chapeau?

Considering I capeesh the style. The design. It solves a perceived problem past looking awesome. Why did I purchase it? I made an emotional decision. It's non based on practicality. I already had another baseball lid at domicile that does the verbal same thing of protecting my eyes and confront from the dominicus's harsh rays.

"Why solve a perceived trouble instead of a real problem, Seth?"

Because it's a cheaper kind of trouble to solve. Suppliers already brand baseball hats by the tens of thousands. They've perfected the art of it. If I ask, "Hey, could you stitch this cool design on the front," they'd say, "Sure, pay us $3 dollars a lid." And and then I go and sell them for $30+ each.

Merely if I'm going to solve a real problem and make an improved hat or a novel product that solves the same problem the hat solves, and then it gets into designing, sourcing materials, and asking the supplier to produce a completely new product. It gets more expensive.

Yes, you can do that. In fact, if you have the upper-case letter and the knowledge, I say absolutely solve a existent trouble. Information technology'll make it harder for other sellers to copy your production.

Just when you lot're low on cash, first solve a perceived problem.

Observe the correct market place niche using product research tools like Niche Hunter, become to DHGate or Alibaba and observe products with at least 40% profit margin.

And then reinvest your profits to purchase more than inventory and eventually use those profits to launch another product.

You go along doubling and doubling—like information technology doubled my dime—and before you know it, you lot built a business that makes you passive income that allows you to do the things you beloved with the people you love.

Tell me in the comments what you have lying effectually your home that you tin can sell.


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