how to get rid of keloids from nose piercings
A critical insight on nose piercing scar, keloid, information, pain, infection, how to get rid, care and jewelry.
Nose Piercing Scar Causes
nose piercing scar
Nose piercings are usually very safe and don't lead to any scars under the healthy as well as the normal conditions.
But, for some other people, infection, or even the body's natural method to create a lot of scar tissue might cause the nose piercing scar. The perfect piercing care, like avoiding of the friction as well as cleaning of the piercing well, can do a lot in prevention of the scars, according to the studies. However, dermatologists are able to assist in treating of any scars that do form.
Scarring is a very healthy, normal response that is expected to an injury by the body. The worse the injury is the longer period that it takes so as to heal, the higher the chances that you will develop a scar, according to the dermatologists.
There are two types of scars: common scars and also the keloid scars. Common scars are normally small, pink or even the flesh-colored marks that usually fade over a period of time. Keloid nose piercing scar is usually a raised scar that appears like the bubbles.
Keloids are able to continue to grow until they occupy a larger area than the one with the injured tissue. Not all persons who pierce their noses are able to develop scars; but, the individuals who are prone to the keloids have a high chance of getting the one that is on the pierced area.
Some people mistake side effects that is accompanied with the natural healing process for nose piercing scar or even the conditions that are able to cause scarring, and get rid of their piercings. Redness, crusting as well as the small abscesses called the piercing pimples are very normal segment of healing process, as indicated by the Professional Piercers.
Leaving the piercing in place assists to foster healing more so than getting rid of it, as doing away with a piercing early especially when infection is present might lead to an abscess.
The more tissue damage that you have, the more likely that the piercing is to the scar. If you suspect to be having an infection or even the scarring, then talk to the piercer or even a health care professional before any decision on whether you should take out the jewelry.
If you suspect that the red scar that is around the piercing may be due to the hypergranulation issue, then the first thing that you should do is changing of the jewelry to a length or style that doesn't put pressure on the piercing. You might require a longer barbell, or you can consider to switch to a captive bead ring, but all depends much on the piercing.
Tight-fitting jewelry as well as the trapped moisture are normally enough to trigger the hypergranulation of the piercing, which is the reason as to why getting the pressure off the pierced area should be the first priority.
While changing the jewelry, consider switching to a hypoallergenic material such as a highly-inert metal like titanium. It's very much unlikely for an allergy that is caused by a metal to appear as a red bump—but putting on a non-irritating, quality jewelry is not a bad idea.
Piercing Scars
All scars are due to the fibrous tissue that is replacing the normal tissue which occurs after a piercing, an injury or even a surgery.
There are only two basic types of scars that are likely to develop around the new or even the retired piercings and a third type that can develop where the retired piercings once were: hypertrophic scars, atrophic scars and keloid scars
Hypertrophic nose piercing scar as well as the keloid scars are as a result of the excessive collagen growth that usually overextends the normal, healthy tissue that is around them, whereas the atrophic scars are normally the sunken scars which are comprised of the collagen growths that usually have an indentation instead of having a raised bump or even the series of several bumps, as is normally a case to do with keloids.
Poor Aftercare
Aftercare of the nose piercing is of utmost relevance. Apply a very mild antibacterial soap to the freshly nose pierced spot. You can also make use of the sea salt for cleaning.
Avoid use of the harsh products that has alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or Neosporin. The products might cause chemical healing, or even drying out the tissues that are around the wound. This can cause the formation of the scars.
If you don't clean the nose piercing as required or even sleep on the nose piercing it might cause a scar.
A scar can also be brought about by tugging at the nose ring.
It may also happen if a person changes jewellery immediately after piercing. You should not take off the jewellery until the piercing heals completely within a few days. Otherwise, it leads to a block in the hole and also very poor drainage.
Further, use of very poor quality jewellery might trigger a scar too. If you are very much allergic to the material that the jewellery is made up of, the spot that is around the piercing can also lead to an allergic reaction.
Infection is also a major cause for development of a nose piercing scar. If you touch the piercing for a number of times it might cause an infection.
How to Get Rid of Nose Piercing Scar
how to remove a nose piercing scar
There are several home remedies that an individual can be able to apply for a small and common nose piercing scar.
- Apple Cider Vinegar –
This is a very common kitchen ingredient which is effective in getting rid of the bacteria, minimizing redness as well as reducing the size of a nose piercing scar.
For this ingredient, you must clean the nose piercing area using a mild soap and also water.
Thereafter, use some apple cider vinegar using a clean cotton directly on the nose piercing.
Let it dry for a period of about 5 minutes. Using the remedy a number of times a day for about one month is able to assist to reduce the scar.
To dilute the raw vinegar, use it with an equal amount of pure water.
- Baking Soda
Baking soda is a perfect exfoliant. When applied on the skin, it gets rid of the top layer of the dead skin.
Use a mix of the baking soda as well as the hydrogen peroxide in the ratio of 1:4.
Use the paste with a clean cotton ball and then leave it on for about 30 minutes so as to dry.
Wash it off using clean cold water. This particular remedy can be applied multiple times for about one month.
- Honey
Honey contains several healing properties and is very much useful in reduction of the proliferating cells in a keloid.
Directly use the honey to the affected spot and gently massage using your fingers. This will get rid of the dead cells and thus enhance blood circulation.
After the massage, wash off the affected skin part and repeat the process at least twice a day.
This particular remedy will give you better results within a period of 3 weeks.
- Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a perfect product that is used for skin ailments including the nose piercing scar.
Aloe vera is a very mild plant and is effective in reduction of the inflammation. It equally prevents any infections and keeps the skin moisturized.
Aloe vera gel is able to be used directly on the affected area. Leave it to dry and then wash it off using clean pure water. You can repeat the process at least twice a day. It is better to apply a fresh aloe vera juice from the plant rather than obtaining a gel.
- Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is very rich in vitamin C and also the antioxidants. Lemon juice assists in improving of the look of the scar.
Use lemon juice directly on the scar and leave it for up to a period of 40 minutes. Finally, rinse using cold water and then repeat the process twice every day.
This particular remedy is also much useful in the overall improvement of the texture of the nose piercing scar as it allows the new cells to further grow.
- Garlic
Onion garlic extract is indicated to put a stop to the excessive fibroblast growth.
Fibroblast growth is the reason for the development of the keloids.
Crush garlic cloves and use it on the keloid. Leave it on for a period of about 10 minutes and then rinse off using lukewarm water.
If you find that the smell very much strong, then you can mix it up using some olive oil.
- Sandalwood and Rosewater
Sandalwood has properties that are beneficial to the skin. It normally stops the itching. When it is mixed with the rose water, then it soothes the inflamed skin of the keloids.
Mix a teaspoon of the sandalwood powder using a tablespoon that is full of rose water and then form a thick paste. Use it to the nose piercing scar and then leave it on for the whole night, or at least up to a period of 3 hours. Rinse it using very cold water. This particular remedy can be applied every alternate day for one month for better results.
- Hot Compressor Soak
A sea salt hot compress, chamomile tea or even a tea tree oil dab, which is diluted with the skin-friendly oil is very vital for curing of the nose piercing scar. This will also assist to avoid any of the rashes.
- Antibacterial Cream
You can also apply a topical antibacterial cream or even a gel to remove the nose piercing scar.
- Vitamin E
Vitamin E is found in drugstores is able to assist lighten scars. It has antioxidants and normally assists to renew the skin cells. It makes the scar to be lighter.
Nose Piercing Bump
infected nose piercing bump
When you have a nose piercing, it is very much common for the bump to form on the nose. Although this is just brought about by the scar tissue, it is normally because of the infection.
If you have experienced a raised red bump, it shows that there is an infection that might end up causing scar tissue. This bump is able to develop anywhere from one month to a few more days after the piercing.
If the nose piercing scar tissue develop, it is known as the keloid and it might forever be on the nose. You must be very much vigilant after getting a nose piercing so as to make sure that it does not become a bump.
Make sure to clean the nose piercing every other day so as to prevent an infection as well as scarring. If you end up having a nose piercing bump, then you can apply the use of some of the indicated home remedies so as to treat it. When the treatments do not work as expected to heal the nose piercing bump, then you may be required to get the medical care so that it does not become a scar.
How to Heal Your Nose Piercing Bump
In general, a nose piercing bump is very easy to treat using the home remedies. Known as granulomas, these problems may be dealt using over the counter drugs such as the hydrocortisone creams or even the various prescribed antibiotic gels.
Pustules usually need to be delt with using prescribed medication as they are an indication of an intense infection. If there is a given scar tissue or even an abscess, then you are required to obtain medical help since these can cause blood infections or even other problems.
- Make an Aspirin Paste
If you do have aspirin, you may easily make a treatment that is meant for the nose piercing bump. Aspirin is indicated for being an anti-inflammatory, so it may reduce the redness and inflammation. Mix aspirin into a glass that has only a little water so that it dissolves completely into a paste. Afterward, use the mixture each given night over the next five days.
During this particular time, the paste is able to assist to get rid of the irritation and then allow the infection to completely drain. You will also be required to continue to clean the nose piercing scar during this particular time like you normally would.
- Use a Compress Made of Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea is very perfect for resolution of the inflammation as well as the redness. All you require to do is place the tea bags in the warm water before you press them onto the bump. Allow the tea bag to sit on the bump for a period of about 15 minutes. When it begins to become cold, then you can place it into the hot water again.
- Use Basic Sea Salt
Sea salt is a natural way to assist get rid of the inflammation and thus treat an infection. You just require to make a solution of the sea salt and also warm water. Afterward, dip a clean cotton ball into the solution and then place it onto the nose. You may apply the treatment up to twice a day for about 15 minutes each given time. Once treat, you might need to rinse the nose using water so that the salt do not dry around it and lead to the skin to peel. If you apply the treatment more regularly, it will clear up minor infections.
- Tea Treat Oil
If the bump is not healing, then then you may be required to apply tea tree oil instead. Apply a few drops of the tea tree oil in another oil such as the almond or even the coconut oil. Then, use a cotton ball to apply it to the bump.
Tea tree oil is very powerful for getting rid of the germs and also the bacteria, so it might heal the nose piercing scar as long as you apply it once or even twice a day. You do not need to apply it too much, or it may dry out the nose or even irritate it.
Nose Piercing Information
A nose piercing is placed in the curve of the nostril; but, it may as well be done through a septum, that piece of cartilage that normally divides the nostrils. For the procedure, it is recommended that a small cork device is normally placed on the inside parts of the nostril, and a sterilized surgical needle is then applied to pierce through the flesh to the point that it hits the cork.
This particular method is very sanitary and much accurate, and heals quicker as it leads to a fewer traumas that are directed to the cartilage.
Nose Piercing Infection
A bump that is on nose piercing may form a few days or even months after the nose piercing is done. Usually, the bumps form due to the trauma that affects the pierced area. Trauma happens when the ring is knocked, tugged or even has been removed and then reinserted, leading to the damage affecting the surrounding tissues.
The bumps usually appear to be red and also raised. Left untreated, the nose piercing infection may cause the development of the nose piercing scar tissue. For this particular reason, you should ensure to take remedial measures urgently.
Nose Piercing Care
- Clean the piercing twice a day. Nose piercings are supposed to be cleaned at least twice a day – in the morning and in the evening – until they are completely healed. Cleaning of the nose piercing very little may lead to it to be dirty and thus infected while over-cleaning the piercing can cause the irritation and also the delayed healing.
- Prepare a salt solution.The simplest method that is applied to clean the piercing it to apply a salt solution. To make such a solution, mix about 1/4 the teaspoon of the non-iodized sea salt in 8 oz. (1 cup) of the warm water. Alternatively, you may obtain a packaged saline solution at the market.
- Wash hands. Before you touch the nose piercing, it is very vital that you wash the hands using an antibacterial soap. Otherwise, bacteria that emanates from the hands may come in contact with the piercing and lead to an infection.
- Soak a clean cotton ball in the salt solution. Get a clean cotton ball and then dip it into the salt solution. Gently press the ball against the nose piercing and hold it there for a period of about 4 minutes. Be very careful when getting rid of the cotton ball in case it is caught in the nose ring or even stud.
- Pat the area dry using clean tissue. After cleaning of the affected area, gently pat around the piercing dry using a cotton ball or some paper towel. Avoid use of a towel to do this, as towels harbor bacteria and they snag on the stud.
- Use a q-tip to get rid of any crusting. You should also make sure to clean the underside part of the piercing to get rid of any crusting, otherwise it might tear the skin and lead to the piercing to be inflamed.
- You can do the process by soaking a very clean q-tip in the salt solution and use it to rub around the back of the ring that is inside the nostril.
- Don't try to rub very hard, as you may push the stud out of the nose.
how to get rid of keloids from nose piercings
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