
How Do You Make Money With A Wordpress Blog

The vii Best Methods for Making Coin on WordPress Revealed

how to make money on wordpress

WordPress is an open source platform that'southward free for everyone to use. It's platonic for creating unique websites, and is enjoyed past millions – but you can practice more than merely enjoy using WordPress. You tin make coin from it, as well.

We're going to reveal the best ways to make coin from your WordPress website.

Don't worry – y'all don't take to exist a coder, programmer, or even a WordPress whiz to become a petty something back. But you practice demand to play to your strengths. Look out for strategies that build on skills you already accept, or skills you're willing to abound.

With 34% of the net using WordPress, competition is fierce, and you demand to stand up out from the oversupply!

In this guide, we'll outline the all-time ways of monetizing WordPress, and explain how you can get started.

Time and money await for no one, so let's swoop in.

Further Data

  • Are y'all reading this earlier edifice your WordPress website? Once you lot've finished, come dorsum and read our handy guide on How to Create a WordPress Website .
  • Make certain your WordPress site is the best information technology can be – take a peek at our xv WordPress Tips and see how many y'all tin check off!
  • Making coin online often works best when you accept a strong niche – only information technology can be hard to get started. Check out our guide on How to Find Your Niche Online for expert tips!

Suitable for: All beginners

We'll start with the most obvious strategy: ecommerce. By using a plugin, y'all can turn your WordPress website into your very own online store. That means you can beginning listing products, running sales, and accepting payments.

The plugin we most recommend is WooCommerce . This is a powerful (and gratuitous) ecommerce plugin that integrates seamlessly with WordPress, and gives y'all full creative control over your store. You can sell annihilation, from physical and digital products to appointments and services.

how to make money on wordpress woocommerce
WooCommerce is the nearly pop, well-nigh customizable ecommerce platform around.

Whether you knit socks, sell vintage punk merch, or teach yoga, WooCommerce will permit you lot promote your business and connect with clients. And, of course, it'll allow you receive payments through your WordPress shop.

It'south piece of cake to set up your online store with WordPress, but it's non an overnight job. Outset of all, you need to find hosting, install WordPress, and get the basics of your site in place. Then, yous demand to install an ecommerce plugin (like WooCommerce).

In one case you've installed and activated your ecommerce plugin, you can and then begin building your online shop. Add together products, design your storefront, prepare up shipping, connect secure payment options… yous get the idea.

WooCommerce is the most popular ecommerce platform on the spider web, significant you'd be joining the ranks of some pretty successful stores. Just one example is Tiny Tags, a jewelry store that provides made-to-order pieces for mothers.

WooCommerce worked well for this business, because it relies on flexible, custom orders.

woocommerce example tiny tags
Tiny Tags started out as a small business organization, only quickly grew online using WooCommerce.

Equally you tin can guess, this isn't a "get rich quick" strategy. Y'all're starting your own business, and that takes time, passion, and usually a bit of investment from you to go information technology started.

In a Nutshell:

  • What is information technology? Using a WordPress ecommerce plugin to build your own online store and sell products, services, or appointments.
  • Who can do it? Anyone! Although you'll demand to be happy building and running an ecommerce business, aircraft orders, marketing your products, managing your inventory, etc.
  • How to go started: We highly recommend that you install the WooCommerce plugin to build your store, then call back about what goods or services y'all could offer. Information technology'due south all-time to detect a niche and do some market research earlier launching your project.

Suitable for: All beginners

The virtually simple of style of making coin from any kind of WordPress website is past displaying adverts on your website.

This is super easy – you tin can carry on using your WordPress site however you like, while your adverts sit down at that place and brand you a nice little bit of money on the side. It takes very piddling try on your part!

wikihow advert placement example
Here's an example of advert placement on the website WikiHow. Every fourth dimension someone clicks on i of these ads, the website volition earn some money.

You'll observe nigh ads work on a pay-per-click (or PPC) basis, significant you lot become paid every time someone clicks on 1 of your adverts. The just hitch is, you won't get much cash per click – you'll usually get less than $one for each.

Still, that's amend than nothing, and some advertisers pay out more than others. So how can you get started with this modest money-making scheme?

The easiest way is to employ Google AdSense, which places relevant adverts on your site for you lot. All you have to do is re-create some code onto your site where you lot want the ads to appear. Yep, it actually is that like shooting fish in a barrel!

Google AdSense is a great option for total WordPress newbies who are even so building their skills, growing their audition, or just finding their feet.

how to make money on wordpress google adsense
Google AdSense is an easy manner of placing relevant adverts on your WordPress website, no blood, sweat, or tech skills necessary.

Top Tip! Y'all might be tempted to cram as many ads onto your site as possible, in lodge to maximize your earnings. Don't practise this. A cluttered, messy, ad-littered site is the biggest turn-off for visitors – instead, be tactful, thoughtful, and minimal with your advertizement placements.

Only a heads up – adverts aren't going to be a huge source of income, so exist realistic with your expectations.

In a Nutshell:

  • What is it? Displaying adverts on your WordPress website. When people click on those ads, you become a modest corporeality of money.
  • Who can do it? Anyone! You just need to sign up to Google AdSense, and add together some code to your site. Alternatively, y'all can contact advertisers straight if you don't mind some extra work.
  • How to get started: Decide how many adverts you want on your site. Sign up to Google AdSense, and copy some code into your website to start displaying adverts.

Suitable for: Bloggers

One of the main reasons people love WordPress is because it's so perfect for blogging. If you've got a passion for writing, you'll be pleased to hear that in that location are plenty of ways y'all tin can make coin through your web log.

One of the most popular ways of monetizing your WordPress blog is with affiliate marketing.

What is this? Well, it'south where companies pay you for providing them with new customers. Let's say you weblog about fashion and beauty, and you link to a product that you utilize a lot. With affiliate marketing, you'll go paid each time one of your readers buys 1 of those products!

You lot can either get paid every fourth dimension someone clicks on one of your links (this is called cost per click, or CPC), or every time someone uses your link to actually purchase or sign up to the company you're promoting (known as cost per acquisition, or CPA).

Usually, price per acquisition makes more money, because the company is getting a better effect! It'due south also a bit more ethical, because you just make coin if your reader is happy, which is nice.

Just how does the visitor know how many people have signed up from my blog? That's where unique chapter links come in. Y'all need affiliate links so that the company tin can rail which customers came from your website.

Chapter links look like a normal spider web link, but with a seemingly random selection of numbers and letters tacked on to the terminate. This special code lets the visitor see exactly how much business organisation they're getting through your unique links, so you can be paid accurately.

You can set up an account directly with the company you lot'll be promoting, and they'll provide y'all with these links. Either contact the visitor direct, or dig around on their website to see if they accept an affiliate program. For example, on Amazon's website, you'll find theirs nether the "Make Coin With Us" menu.

how to make money on wordpress amazon
amazon affiliate marketing scheme
Amazon has an chapter program where you lot choose which products you lot want to promote, and earn money when your readers buy.

This option is all-time for those of you who already have a web log set up. Don't effort to launch your affiliate marketing campaign and build a blog from scratch at the aforementioned time. Yous need a niche and an audience for affiliate marketing to exist successful.

If you lot already take a web log, now'due south the fourth dimension to recall about what products or companies yous could promote. Whatever you cull, it needs to be relevant and beneficial to your readers. If you write virtually animals, for case, don't first promoting Calvin Klein just because you get a good payout.

Your readers won't put upward with that!

It'southward too important to exist honest with your readers. Permit them know how you're making money and be articulate that information technology won't cost them any actress, or bear on the honesty of your reviews. For instance, we apply chapter links correct here at Website Builder Good, and you lot tin can read all about information technology on our Disclosure page.

The key to affiliate marketing is being transparent, off-white, and e'er putting your readers starting time.

In a Nutshell:

  • What is information technology? Using unique chapter links in your blog, where readers can go and purchase or sign up to a production. That company then pays yous money each time someone uses your link to buy their product!
  • Who can do information technology? Anyone! You don't demand whatever tech skills to pull off affiliate marketing. It's a practiced idea to build your blog beginning, grow your audience, and develop your niche, before trying out affiliate marketing.
  • How to go started: Think about the content y'all create, and what your readers would observe relevant and useful. Brand sure any products you choose are adept quality, and so reach out to start a partnership with i or more companies!

Further Information

  • Affiliate marketing works well for bloggers. Our handy guide on How to Start a WordPress Blog makes building your blog easy, in merely 10 simple steps.

Suitable for: Established WordPress users

Practise you actually know your stuff? Volition people pay to hear what you have to say? If so, you could be sitting on a goldmine!

At that place are a few dissimilar means of creating exclusive content for your visitors. Earlier you lot do this, notwithstanding, information technology's worth pointing out that you should have an established site, and an expanse of expertise, ahead of trying out any of the following strategies.

Meridian Tip! People like to know they're getting value for their money, and then it needs to be obvious why the content you're offering is worth the toll you lot're asking.

Premium Content

Whether it's professional person photos, sectional articles, research papers, or even music and movies, premium content is something your visitors are willing to pay for so they can gain access.

For this to be successful, you need your visitors to exist confident in your production or content. We recommend offering some stuff for free, then that people take a clear idea of what to expect from your premium content. That manner, they'll exist happy handing over their hard-earned cash in return for whatever you're offer.

Height Tip! You tin use social proof to encourage people to sign up. Social proof is where you show people how many others accept already signed upward to, liked, shared, or benefitted from your content.

Memberships and Subscriptions

Some other manner of making money from your WordPress site is to create memberships which unlock extra content, sectional pages on your website, or even special discounts if you lot're running an online store.

The alternative is to get people to subscribe to your site. Subscriptions are a piddling different from memberships – while a subscription allows your visitors access to your site and all its resources, memberships unlock an extra level of exclusive content on height of that.

Subscriptions tend to piece of work best for online magazines, or sites offering some kind of service. Call up, there has to be some incentive for people to sign up and pay coin!

make money on wordpress subscription new yorker
The New Yorker is a archetype case of a subscription website. You get three free articles per month, then you lot need to subscribe to go on reading.

Top Tip! You can combine this strategy with producing premium content, creating different "levels" of your website depending on how much, and how often, people want to pay.


If yous don't want to be pushy by demanding people pay to access your site, you can ask for donations instead. This is how websites like Wikipedia survive – people get to enjoy your content for gratuitous, but they can donate money to keep your site going.

This is a less reliable method of making money from your WordPress site, and so it could exist worth combining with another strategy, such as displaying adverts on your site.

In a Nutshell:

  • What is it? Creating content that people are willing to pay for.
  • Who tin practice information technology? Anyone, as long as you have the noesis or skill-set to brand your content worth paying for. You'll near probable need an established site, too, equally people will desire to know you're trustworthy.
  • How to go started: First, pinpoint your area of expertise. What noesis or skills do you lot accept that could benefit others? Go writing! Y'all tin also have a look at your site and decide if there are any pages you could plough into "exclusive" areas for members, so add some new, specialized cloth. To add together subscriptions, memberships, or accept donations, you will demand to install plugins.

Suitable for: Anyone with specialized knowledge

If you've ever been stuck on how to do something, chances are you lot've turned to Google for help. It'southward quick, it'southward useful, and it'south gratis. But what if you have more than than one burning question?

Online courses are a popular manner of learning new things – in fact, the global market for online learning is valued at $250 billion in 2022. That's definitely something to make the almost of!

monetize online courses lynda com example is a pop site where people pay a subscription fee to access a range of online courses.

Of course, you lot'll demand to know a fair corporeality near the topic you're pedagogy, merely the range of subjects you can encompass are countless. Writing, marketing, technology, cooking, music, pet grooming; the list goes on and on.

The good news is, you don't have to exist an expert – you lot just need to know enough to put together a good quality class that people volition benefit from.

The simply drawback is, you won't be making megabucks overnight. Y'all'll need some patience and time while you programme and put your grade together, and build information technology all on your WordPress site.

If yous're a WordPress beginner, don't worry! In that location are great plugins, such as LearnPress, which you can utilize to create an online course website without needing coding skills. That means you can share your wisdom, grow your WordPress skills, and make some money, all without needing a tech masterclass yourself!

You'll also demand to promote your course, and then it'southward worth installing other WordPress plugins too. For example, retrieve nigh adding testimonials, or sending out newsletters with freebie tips to describe customers in.

In a Nutshell:

  • What is it? Creating an online course on your WordPress site that people will pay to accept role in.
  • Who can do it? Anyone – there are plugins to assist yous, so you don't demand any mad tech skills. Still, you will demand a subject you feel confident teaching about.
  • How to become started: Commencement of all, notice your niche! What skills, training, or knowledge do you have that you can share with others? Draft a course outline and structure, then install a plugin like LearnPress and kickoff building.

Suitable for: Developers and WordPress whizzes

Do y'all know your way around PHP? Do you know what nosotros mean by versioning control systems? If these things don't take you lot drawing a total blank, so y'all could attempt edifice your own plugin.

You don't need to be an skillful coder, but you will need at least a bones agreement. If y'all need to brush upward on those skills, nosotros highly recommend taking an online course and getting a bit of experience before attempting this strategy!

But motion picture it: you're browsing the WordPress Plugin Directory, because it's a wonderful place where you lot can notice all sorts of functions to add to your website.

Only today, you simply can't find the affair you're looking for. In fact, yous can't find it anywhere. Maybe hundreds of other people are looking for the aforementioned matter and coming up empty handed.

So what do you do? You decide to make the plugin yourself. And then sell information technology, so others tin savor your creation (and so you can profit from your hard work!)

Tiptop Tip! If yous don't fancy edifice plugins, you can apply the same strategy to building WordPress themes. You tin can even develop and sell both themes and plugins, as they're often marketed together.

Information technology's a chip too complex to get into the whole procedure here, but the first step is to create your ain plugin binder in the /wp-content/plugins binder. This manner, your plugin will appear in the Dashboard Plugins department. There's a lot more that follows, and well-nigh of it involves coding.

Once you've built and tested your new plugin, y'all can make information technology public and sell it on to other people.

The best mode to practice this is to use your WordPress website and an ecommerce plugin similar WooCommerce. Create an online store where you lot can listing your plugins and sell them – you lot can fifty-fifty build upward a portfolio equally you go on to develop new plugins and abound your skills.

If you're non feeling quite up to edifice your own online store, you can listing your plugin on a marketplace, such equally ThemeForest or CodeCanyon. The benefit of this method is that y'all don't need to worry about delivering the plugin to the client, although the downside is that these platforms volition take a cut of your sales!

In a Nutshell:

  • What is it? Build new plugins (and even themes) to sell to other WordPress users. You can fifty-fifty use your own WordPress site to sell the plugins yous develop.
  • Who tin do it? Confident coders and developers. You don't need to be a tech mastermind, but yous volition demand at to the lowest degree some experience of coding.
  • How to get started: If you need a refresher on your coding skills – or just want to showtime learning – we recommend taking a course. Keep your eye out for a niche where you lot recall a new plugin would sell well. So commencement building your plugin!

Suitable for: Developers and WordPress whizzes

WordPress tin can be a catchy platform to become to grips with, and often people will turn to developers to create their site for them. Take you ever thought nearly offering up your WordPress skills to others?

Become a WordPress programmer, and you tin use WordPress to create websites for clients, who pay y'all for your services.

Unfortunately, this strategy is just suitable for WordPress old-timers, with feel and coding tucked into their belts like gunslingers. You demand to have built websites before, be confident in your technical skills, have an middle for design, be aware of security issues, and be able to work to deadlines – plus liaise with clients!

If you accept what information technology takes, the first affair you need to practice is build your ain WordPress website, to promote your skills and attract clients. Include any testimonials, examples of sites you lot've built in the past, and a query form so that clients can become pressure-gratis quotes.

Having your own website is an advantage, because it gives a good impression to potential customers. Alternatively, you tin offer your services on freelance sites like Fiverr.

You don't have to go a full-time WordPress developer – you can start off small-scale, just do it role-time, or try it out when you need some actress cash.

In a Nutshell:

  • What is it? Using your WordPress skills to create websites for clients, who pay you for your services.
  • Who tin do it? Confident and experienced WordPress users.
  • How to get started: Touch up on your skills if you lot need to. Create a pricing plan and start promoting yourself. Build a website to concenter clients, or listing your services on a freelance website like Fiverr.

WordPress is a wonderful platform with countless opportunities for beginners and pros alike. Fifty-fifty if you have no coding experience, there are plenty of means to make money from your budding WordPress website.

We've picked out the seven chief ways you lot tin can monetize WordPress, and we promise there'south something for everyone on our list. Whether y'all're a blogger, a beginner, or a coding pro, you can pick out the strategy that works best for y'all.

Hither'southward a quick reminder of the vii means you tin make coin on WordPress:

  1. Ecommerce
  2. Advertising
  3. Chapter Marketing
  4. Exclusive Content
  5. Online Courses
  6. Building Plugins
  7. Building WordPress Sites for Clients

Remember, no affair if yous choose one or more than of these strategies, make certain it plays to your strengths.

It'southward probably not wise to attempt building WordPress sites for paying customers if you haven't learned to code yet. But if y'all're a blogger, yous should consider giving affiliate marketing a go.

Nosotros hope yous've been inspired to monetize your website, and feel ready to have your next steps towards getting a piffling more than cash in your pocket, thank you to the wonders of WordPress. Make sure to come back and let us know how yous got on!

I only take a small site, with low traffic. Tin can I withal make coin from it?

Aye! Only exist careful picking your strategy – it's worth combining different approaches to balance things out. College traffic does pb to more clicks on adverts and affiliate links, but it's the quality of your content that will help your website grow. On the whole, traffic is of import, but an engaged audition is even more important for a growing website.

What's the fastest manner to make money from my WordPress website?

We'd recommend either chapter marketing or displaying adverts on your website. These are fairly easy strategies to start using, and you'll start making coin as soon as anyone clicks through. Other tactics, like building an online store or starting a subscription website, will have longer to get going.

Practice I have to spend money to make money on WordPress?

Not necessarily! To monetize your WordPress website, y'all don't have to pay for an ecommerce plugin, Google AdSense, or affiliate partnerships. Merely there might exist costs involved in setting upwards your own ecommerce concern, or investing in improve marketing methods for your site. Think that although WordPress is gratuitous, you still take to pay for hosting and your domain proper name, plus whatsoever premium plugins or themes yous might desire.


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