Kinky Character: Findom

(Picture: Ella Byworth for britain)

This is Kinky Characters – a serial that explores unusual fetishes and the people who like them.

Virtually people'due south monthly outgoings include things like hire, phone bills and food shops.

Howard, on the other hand, ends up spending a large chunk of his monthly salary on women – and nosotros're non talking about picking up the bill at a dinner date or buying a round of drinks.

The 47-year-old, who works in the transport manufacture, is obsessed with financial domination (findom or 'wallet rape') – a BDSM sub-fetish that revolves effectually control or humiliation in conjunction with coin.

Findom includes 2 parties: the submissive (known as a pay grunter or money slave) and the dominant (known as an owner or domme).

There'southward not a i-size-fits-all version; some pay pigs want their owners to manage their finances completely, upkeep their cash and requite them a spending allowance. Others want to be blackmailed in a roleplay scenario or exist 'fined' for being disobedient.

Or, like Howard, some prefer to shower women with gifts or money.

To analyze, this isn't an explicitly sexual transaction, merely rather a complete submission of power, which gives the pay grunter sexual satisfaction.

The people involved might not even see up in real life; often these relationships occur through digital contact but. Many meet through forums on fetish sites such as or through social media, especially Twitter.

Coin for nothing sounds like a dream scenario for the possessor, but why practice pay pigs enjoy spending their hard-earned greenbacks on a stranger?

Howard reveals all, including how much money he has spent on his owners over the by few years.

Illustration of blonde woman on a green background surrounded by money

(Movie: Ella Byworth for

Tell us nigh your fetish

I stumbled across findom on Twitter iii years ago, when I got out of a xv-year relationship.

It looked interesting and the concept turned me on, and then I kept going dorsum for more. I all of a sudden found the idea of a powerful woman having total control over me (and my money) exciting.

I'one thousand not currently owned by anyone, but have been four times in the past. Ane was a findom dominatrix, some other was a banker, a journalist and a hospital nurse.

Its partly sexual, but it's more nearly empowerment of female rule.

I know I'grand physically stronger than all of my previous owners, merely that means aught as they hold full control over my life. They say, I do – and it's actually easy for me (and the biggest turn-on).

Equally for the coin, I requite them gifts or a monthly allowance to spend, but some pay pigs – as we're known – prefer the woman to have complete access to their finances.

My owners don't manage my money, I exercise that.

How does it work?

It depends on what you lot're after.

I'chiliad into both financial dominance and female domination; it'due south a combined fetish for me.

I prefer a female who has a normal day-to-day job and who everyone who thinks is 'Miss Innocent', but who secretly owns a submissive pay sus scrofa.

I f***ing dearest the secrecy and naughty side to that.

It's not easy to find someone with a regular task who has done findom earlier, but once they know I am genuine in my offer to look after them financially, they get interested.

To me, findom isn't just about coin.

My owners will tell me how to behave and what to exercise.

For instance, I'm currently talking to a potential new owner who told me to become on my knees and send her a photo – so I did.

How much have you spent on your owners over the past iii years?

That's a tough i – probably a few grand.

But I have had good owners who know that if they rinse too much, it'southward no practiced for them in the long-run. I won't leave myself too short.

Allowance varies, but information technology'south usually a monthly figure. The about I have given over a calendar month has been virtually £500.

I've also bought lots of things for my owners.

For the banking company adult female, I basically purchased everything for her flat – from cups to a sofa. She ready up an Amazon wish list and I got her gifts through that.

Makeup, lingerie and shoes are the things I have bought most of.

What do you get in return?

What do I get out of it? The pleasure of being controlled.

Information technology's complete servitude. She is your priority, you piece of work and earn for her.

It's a buzz for a sub when you buy an owner shoes and she wears them on a night out. And every single owner has commented on the thrill of wearing shoes payed for past me and her being the only i who knows about it.

Practise yous ever feel like yous're wasting your money?


At the end of the day, it's a kink – but my view is that you only live once and nobody is getting injure.

If both of us savor the experience, so why not do it?

I do occasionally retrieve that I could accept bought a auto with the money I have spent on the women, but I'1000 pretty laidback about the whole affair.

Tell us near ane of your owners

I in one case had a meeting in a bank.

The woman who met with me was dressed in a suit and heels, with glasses on and her hair up. I couldn't help simply think information technology would exist great if she did findom.

I had her carte du jour and took a huge risk, the biggest one I've ever taken when approaching a potential owner.

In an email, I asked if she'd be interested in trying it. I was scared that she might become angry that I asked; 24 hours passed and I thought 'what the f*** have I done?', but then she replied.

To cut a long story curt, information technology turns out she had a very strict side to her and she ended upward owning me for about vii months.

I used to pay for her nights out, buy things for her apartment and much more.

It only ended because she changed branches and moved.

Practise yous date or have sexual practice with your owners?

I like my ain space and doing my own matter, and discover dating a chip wearisome.

I accept the odd date, but no, I don't date my owners in the conventional sense.

We don't have sexual activity either.

The only time I have e'er done anything sexual with an possessor was after I did chores for her. I delivered her shopping, and when I arrived she told me she wanted to exist pleasured with my tongue.

And then I went down on her for most thirty minutes, then she told me I had done my job and to f*** off until I was needed again.

That'southward the one purely sexual act that has happened in three years of findom, but I still take sex activity with other people outside of the fetish.

In your stance, is society becoming more open up towards unusual fetishes?

I'chiliad not sure.

I don't shout most what I exercise from the rooftops, and then I don't arrive many chats about information technology.

My family unit and friends don't know either. This is my matter away from work and all that.

Do you have an unusual fetish?

Desire to tell us about your sexual preferences or odd kinks?

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